Aisha's Story

In the 1970s people thought in Louisburgh that there was a ghost living under the bridge in the town. One time two people were driving past and said they had seen the ghost. When they came back it was gone so they rang the police and told them what they had seen. But it turned out that the ghost was actually two boys. When they heard about the police in town they ran through the field and hid in a chicken coup but after a while the police found them.

Louisburgh probably owes its name to the town of Louisburgh, Nova Scotia. After 1719 the French had built the Louisburgh fortress but the British succeeded in destroying it in 1758.

In Kilgeever there is a Holy Well and there was a story about a blind woman who put water from the well on her face and she was cured. Before she left she washed her face again with the water from the Holy Well but her blindness returned.


Sometimes people would bring a pig to the town and kill it and they would cook it on a spit on the square.

There was a festival called a pattern. It was when people from the countryside came to town to show how to make butter using a churn; they also taught people how to make quilts.

Writer: Aisha Butler

Teller: Anne O’Malley

The original hand written story is available below


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